Tutorial: Another simple 100% synchronous test example with beforeEach/afterEach

Another simple 100% synchronous test example with beforeEach/afterEach

ES6/ES7 syntax

import * as suman from 'suman';  // es6 import syntax
const Test = suman.init(module, {
    interface: 'BDD'   //BDD interface is default but we are explicit

// here we create the test suite, we can inject core modules, and any value defined in suman.ioc.js

Test.describe('Example#1', function (assert, fs, http, path) {

    this.describe('tests multiplication', function () {

        this.beforeEach(t => {   //this runs before any test case within the 'tests multiplication' describe block
            t.data.foo = 3;

        this.it('[test] 1', async t => {  // t represents this test case, t.data properties can be set prior in hooks

            const bar = await new Promise(function (resolve) {
            const baz = bar * t.data.foo;
            assert.equal(baz, 21);



    this.describe('tests streams', function () {

        this.beforeEach(t => {  //this runs before any test case inside the 'tests streams' describe block
            t.data.srcDir = path.resolve(process.env.HOME + '/test_data');

        //fail and pass are analagous to done(err) and done(null) respectively
        this.it('[test] 2', (t, fail, pass) => {

                .pipe(fs.createWriteStream('/dev/null')).on('error', fail).on('finish', pass);



    this.describe('tests http request', function(){

        ['/foo','/bar','/bar'].forEach(val => {

            this.it('[test] 3',  (t, done) =>{

                return http.get({
                    hostname: 'example.com',
                    path: val
                }, res => {


                    var body = '';

                    res.on('data', (data) => {
                        body += data;

                    res.on('end', ()=> {
                        const result = JSON.parse(body);
                        assert(result.x = 'y');




