usage: suman [file/dir] [OPTIONS]
options: -a, --all Used in conjunction with the --transpile option, to transpile the whole test directory to test-target.
--version Print tool version and exit.
-h, --help Print this help and exit.
-v, --verbose Verbose output. Use multiple times for
more verbose.
--vv, --vverbose Very verbose output. There is either
verbose or very verbose (vverbose).
--sparse Sparse output. Less verbose than
--vsparse Very sparse output. Even less verbose
than sparse option.
--init Initialize Suman in your project;
install it globally first.
--uninstall Uninstall Suman in your project.
--no-runner-lock Don't user runner lock.
--runner-lock Use a global runner lock.
--no-tables No ascii tables will be outputted to
terminal. Accomplished also by
"--vsparse" boolean option.
--use-babel Suman will download and install the
"babel" related dependencies necessary
to transpile to your local project.
--rm-babel, --remove-babel Suman will * uninstall * the "babel"
related dependencies necessary to
transpile to your local project.
--use-server Suman will download and install the
"suman-server" dependencies necessary
for file-watching to your local project.
--use-istanbul Suman will download and install the
Istanbul dependencies necessary to run
test coverage on your local project.
--errors-only Show only errors when logging test
--match=ARG Use this to filter input to match the
given JS regex.
--not-match=ARG Use this to filter input to ignore
matches of the given JS regex.
--register Use babel-core register to transpile
sources on the fly, even in child
--no-register Prevent usage of babel-register.
--sort-by-millis Prints a duplicate Runner results table
sorted by millis fastest to slowest.
--create=ARG Create suman test skeleton at path.
--coverage Run Suman tests and see coverage report.
--cwd-is-root, --force-cwd-to-be-project-root
Run Suman tests and force cwd to be the
project root.
--cwd-is-tfd, --force-cwd-to-test-file-dir
Will force the cwd for the runner
child_processes to be the directory that
contains the test file.
--tfm=ARG, --test-file-mask=ARG Use this option to specify which of
-r, --recursive Use this option to recurse through
sub-directories of tests.
--safe Reads files in with fs.createReadStream
and makes sure it's a suman test before
-f, --force Force the command at hand.
--ff, --fforce Force the command at hand, with super
double force.
-p, --pipe Pipe data to Suman using stdout to
--cnvt, --convert Convert Mocha test file or directory to
Suman test(s).
-b, --bail Bail upon the first test error.
--ignore-break Use this option to aid in the debugging
of child_processes.
--rnr, --runner Sole purpose of this flag is to force
the usage of the runner when executing
only one test file.
-w, --watch Flag to be used so that test files will
be transpiled/run as soon as they are
saved. Starts up the Suman server if it
is not already live,and begins watching
the files desired.
--wp, --watch-project Watch all project files and upon changes
run the script/command given by the
properties of "watchProject" in your
suman.conf.js file.
--swa, --stop-watching-all Flag so that Suman server stops watching
all files for any changes.
--rand, --random Flag to randomize tests.
--testing Internal flag for development purposes.
--sw, --stop-watching Option to tell Suman server to stop
watching the files/directories passed as
--mpp=INT, --concurrency=INT Specifiy the maximum number of parallel
child processes.
--src=ARG Specify single path to directory of
Mocha test source files for conversion
to Suman from Mocha.
--dest=ARG Specify single path as dest directory
for conversion to Suman from Mocha.
--reporters=ARG Specify name of reporters to be used
deemed by your config file.
--reporter-paths=ARG Specify reporters by specifying path(s)
to reporter module(s).
--diagnostics Run diagnostics to see if something may
be wrong with your suman.conf.js file
and/or project structure.
-t, --transpile Transpile tests to test-target.
--nt, --no-transpile Useful when the default is set to
transpile:true in your config. Prevents
transpilation and runs test files
--no-run When --watch and --transpile are set to
true, "--no-run" prevents Suman from
executing the resulting tests, when a
watched file changes onthe filesystem.
In other words, the file will only be
transpiled but not executed as part of
the watch process.
--fst, --full-stack-traces Full stack traces will be shown for all
exceptions, including test failures.
--procs=INT, --processes=INT Override config value for maximum number
of parallel Node.js processes.
-s, --server Start the suman server manually.
--cfg=ARG, --config=ARG Path to the suman.conf.js file you wish
to use.
--gfbn=ARG, --grep-file-base-name=ARG
Regex string used to match file names;
only the basename of the file path.
--no-silent When running a single test file, stdout
will be shown.
--gf=ARG, --grep-file=ARG Regex string used to match file names.
--gs=ARG, --grep-suite=ARG Path to the suman.conf.js file you wish
to use.
--sn=ARG, --server-name=ARG Path to the suman.conf.js file you wish
to use.
--tail Option to tail the suman log files.