Tutorial: Simple 100% synchronous test example

Simple 100% synchronous test example

usage examples

simple example:

const suman = require('suman');
const Test = suman.init(module);

Test.describe('FirstExample', function(assert, path, http){     //  this is our test suite, and we inject some core modules

     this.beforeEach('runs before every it()', t => {
         t.data.foo = 'bar';

     this.it('uno', t => {     // a test case

        assert(t.data,'This will pass because t.data is predefined by Suman for each test');  

     }).it('dos', t => {       // a test case, (you can chain test cases and hooks if you want to) 

        assert(false,'not good');  

     }).it('tres', t => {       // a test case 
         return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){               

     this.describe('all tests herein will run in parallel', {parallel:true}, function(){

          [1,2,3].forEach(item => {
               this.it('item is a number', () => {
                    assert.equal(typeof item,'number');

          ['a','b','c'].forEach(item => {

               this.it('now we use asynchrony', (t,done) => {
                        done(new Error('Test failed'));
                    }, 2000);


